Turbonetics Receives Wabtec Caboose Safety Award

At Turbonetics Inc. we believe that integrating safety and health into every operation at our corporation is of the utmost imp01iance. The health and safety of our employees continues to be the first consideration in our operations.

To this extent, Turbonetics, Inc. strives to comply with all applicable laws and regulations that govern our operations. In so doing, we conduct our processes and operations in a manner that reduces or eliminates the conditions that are unhealthful or could cause injury to our employees. Employees are consistently urged to report unsafe conditions in their workplace, and work with Turbonetics Holding, Inc. management to alleviate these conditions where they may exist.

Quality or production goals do not supersede the safety of our employees. With this in mind, Turbonetics, Inc. management and staff have implemented a Safety Management Program. This program provides for:

  • The continual commitment of improving safety at our workplace
  • Employee awareness and training with regard to safety issues
  • A commitment to visitors, neighbors, and our community to lessen or eliminate any safety­ related issues from our corporation that could impact them

Within the scope and applicability of our Safety Management Program, Turbonetics, Inc. has established a goal to have injury and illness incident rates below the industry average. To accomplish this goal, we ask each of our employees to commit not only to their own safety but to the safety of their co-workers and their community as well.

Turbonetics was awarded the WABTEC CABOOSE Award for 2013 for being one of Wabtec's Safest Facilities. Our goal is to maintain this status for 2014 and every year that follows.